Homeopathic Remedies for Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis

by Urenus .

Below are our homeopathic recommendations for Inflammation of the Renal Pelvis (Pyelitis) and  Inflammation of the Kidney as a result of Bacterial Infection (pyelonephritis).

Drops and Tablets

possibly the above preparation taken together 2-4-6 times daily.

In addition also:-


  • Hormeel S as alternating remedy in subacute and chronic cases.

Ampoule Therapy

The above daily, later every 2 days. 

otherwise also

possibly daily

otherwise also

  • Traumeel S, in subacute and chronic cases at intervals


    in addition possibly

      possibly also the

      • collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle (to revitalize disturbed enzyme functions),

        otherwise also

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