Immune Support for Children - Homeopathic Remedies

by Urenus .

Guna and Heel Remedies for Immune Support for Children

Heel Remedies

    • Viburcol - for treating restlessness with or without fever;
      also for the Symptomatic treatment of common infection.
      Particularly suitable for infants and small children. reliably effective, stimulates the body's self-healing mechanism and your child gets a good night's sleep.
      • Husteel Drops:- Indications: coughing, e.g. linked to bronchitis or a cold.
      • Echinacea Compositum Tablets or Ampoules - For stimulating the body's own defense mechanisms in cases of localized inflammation e.g. in the neck, nose and throat region (tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinu- sitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis). For minor injuries with a tendency to inflammation, also for skin afflictions such as boils.

      Guna Remedies

      Most Common Combinations with Guna Flu

      • Guna-Flu + Citomix: anti-influenzal prophylaxis in immuno-deficient patients, or those experiencing recurrent influenza episodes.
      • Guna-Flu + Citomix + Guna-Cell: anti-influenzal prophylaxis in immuno-deficient patients or suffering recurrent influenza in the past, particularly elderly patients.
      • Guna-Flu + Guna-Virus: anti-influenzal prophylaxis in patients previously affected by viral infections of the upper, middle and lower respiratory tract.
      • Guna-Flu + Guna-Tonsils: anti-influenzal prophylaxis in patients, particularly children previously affected by tonsillitis or adenotonsillar hypertrophy-hyperplasia.
      • Guna-Flu + Guna-Flam: influenza with fever.
      • Guna-Flu + Guna-Cough: influenza with dry and productive cough, especially in children.

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