Information: Aconitum-Homaccord is ideal for:-
- Influenzal and catarrhal infections particularly in the initial stage.
It is also ideal for the temporary relief of (particularly at the onset of
the illness):-
- Common Colds
- Flu Symptoms
- Fever, chills, cough and nausea
Dosage: Drops: In general, 10 drops directly on the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, initially 10 drops every 15 minutes.
Drops: 100 g cont.: Aconitum D 2, Aconitum D 10, Aconitum D 30, Aconitum D 200, Eucalyptus D 2, Eucalyptus D 10, Eucalyptus D 30 0.4 g each; Ipecacuanha D 2, Ipecacuanha D 10, Ipecacuanha D 30, Ipecacuanha D 200 0.2 g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.