Indications: Duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, hyperacidity.
Contraindications: Pregnancy and lactation. Do not administer to infants and small children. Hypersensitivity to iodine.
Side effects: None known.
Interactions with other medication: None known.
Dosage: In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, initially 1 tablet every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours.
Composition: 1 tablet cont.: Semecarpus anacardium D4, Argentum nitricum D6, Ipecacuanha D4, Jodum D6 30 mg each; Lachesis mutus D12, Petroleum rectificatum D6, Robinia pseudoacacia D4 60 mg each.
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