Polychrest or Polycrest containing appx. 200 Pellets
Remedies with wide spectrum of uses; Polychrest simply means 'many uses'.
Generally used for acute self-limiting conditions. These remedies are not exclusive to the given symptoms-picture in the list below but are widely used for even broader conditions. Remedies are popularised by Homeopaths and other Practitioners for their first-aid and acute situation often also prescribed for certain chronic conditions. The symptoms for 28 Constitutional Remedies in the kit are given below:
Aconite Napellus
Sudden onset, hot skin with thirst, sneeze no. 1, great anxiety (terror?)
Allium Cepa
Profuse bland lachrymation, copious sneezing, worse in warm conditions
Argentum Nitricum
Anticipatory anxiety especially when with flatulence and diarrhoea
Arnica Montana
Trauma, mental and physical exhaustion, fear of being touched
Arsenicum Album
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Intense throbbing pain, redness, sudden onset; worse lying down
Bryonia Alba
Sharp stitching pains, dryness with thirst, cough, worse with movement
Calcarea Carbonica
Increased perspiration, apprehension, severe vertigo, nausea
Calcarea Phosphorica
Mentally tired, forgetful, restless, chronic catarrh
State of collapse, icy coldness of the whole body, violent convulsion
Urge to urinate: burning sensation; burns and scalds
Carbo Vegetabilis
Flatulence; desire for fresh air; collapse (especially with 'blueness')
Teething and colic; child better when carried
Conium Maculatum
Glandular swelling, as in lymphatic and cancerous conditions.
Acid lachrymation; conjunctivitis, bland coryza
Gelsemium Sempervirens
Influenza, low-grade fevers; diarrhoea from fright
Damage to nerve endings - 'blood and crush' injuries
Ignatia Amara
Immediate and next day effects of grief and worry
Frequent nausea and vomiting; persistent wheezing cough; croup
Ledum Palustre
Puncture wounds, insect bites, especially where skin cold to touch
Natrum Muriaticum
Violent sneezing with fluid coryza; cold sores
Nux Vomica
Gastric complaints from overeating; chronic constipation
Pulsatilla Nigricans
Catarrh - bland yellow or green discharge; headache; cough
Rhus Toxicodendron
Arthritic-type pain, worse on initial movement, better for heat
Ruta Graveolens
Sprains, soft tissue injuries, eye-strain
Hot flushes,indifferent and easily offended, menstrual problems
Symphytum Officinale
Bone injuries-surgical intervention or fractures
Tellurium Metallicum
Marked skin, spinal, eye and ear symptoms; sacral and sciatic pains
· The inclusion of Camphora, Cantharis, Conium Maculatum, Sepia and Tellurium Metallicum in the polychrests is the subject of some debate and is not universally accepted."