Dosage of Heel Medications in Veterinary Medicine
In the veterinary profession it is important to know the forms of presentation and specifications of applying and storing medications, as ignorance of all or part of this may be the cause of treatment failure.
The different pharmaceutical forms set out by Heel in this guidebook are meant to convey general information relating to the products or ingredients taking into account the needs of the clinical veterinarian, for both small and large animals. It is referred to for informational purposes only, and not intended to diagnose any illness, nor is it intended to replace medical advice and practice. Heel or anyone connected to does not accept nor will it be liable for any medical or legal responsibility for the reliance upon or the misinterpretation or misuse of the scientific, informational and educational content of the present guide. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to use this information as applicable and in a manner that is permitted in his or her respective country based on the applicable regulatory environment.
Table 1: Dosage of Heel medications in veterinary medicine (acute diseases)

Subacute or chronic conditions: the dose is given less often (once a day to once a week), but for a longer period (4–6 weeks).
Oral products (drops and tablets) have been developed on the premise that the animal’s owner carries on and completes the prescribed course of treatment at home. To this end the owner has to be told that once the products have been opened they should be used up within a limited time. The use-by date should in any case be observed.
In any case of doubt about the right therapy with these oral products, e.g. in cases of a missing therapy result or reoccurrence of the previous pathology, the veterinarian should be consulted so as to achieve the best therapy possible.
The ointment compounds, of which there are only two (Traumeel® and Zeel®), are aimed at reinforcing the oral and injectable forms of presentation, in disorders of the musculoskeletal system, since their sphere of action is localised.
Finally, we refer to the injection solutions, which are the main instruments in the veterinarian’s toolbox, as they go a long way in extending the practicability of homeopathy in veterinary medicine.
No specific storage conditions are required for the Heel medications; they should however be kept in a dry place with normal temperatures (room temperature or below) and not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Tablets and drops
They have no intrinsic taste and it is possible to mix them with a little water without them losing their effectiveness.
It is preferable to administer them between meals. The general dosage is three times daily. In both cases one may increase the frequency of application as shock therapy in acute disorders.
In the cases of those animals where it is difficult to proceed in this way, there are alternatives. Triturated tablets mixed with a little honey can be spread on the part of the animal where it tends to lick itself, for instance on a cat’s front extremities. The same procedure applies to drops. Another possibility is to inject or insert drops or tablets into a small amount of food, with horses into a piece of dry bread, carrot or apple and with cats or dogs, into a piece of cheese or meat.
Apply multiple times daily, without strong massaging, to the affected area. If necessary an occlusive dressing may be used.
Heel ampoules may be used parenterally (subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injection, ...), taken orally and injected to acupuncture points, either individually or combined with other Heel injection solutions. The normal dosage is 2 or 3 times a week, although in severe cases it is daily, sometimes several times a day, until there is improvement.
The advantages of an oral application of the ampoules, as there is no need for asepsis, are convenience and lack of complications (the customer himself can administer them), etc. With cats, the oral administration of an ampoule is often the only way for an oral treatment, as these animals do not tolerate the taste of the drops as they are an alcoholic solution. Despite the fact that the appropriate precautions and measures have to be taken for injection, this way is preferable, at least at the start of treatment, since it ensures the dosage is correct, quick and sterile.
The best known ways of injection are:
–Intravenous: Administered in a matter of seconds. It is the most suitable way for severe and very acute cases. Its main features are the immediate onset of action, but often also the need to repeat applications in highly acute courses.
With infusion of saline solution it is possible to add a beneficial homeopathic medicine in the same liquid or cannula. The medicine may either be mixed with the saline solution (if one wishes to maintain the effect) or administered first, right after the venoclysis (immediate effect).
–Subcutaneous: Probably the least discomforting route of injection. Often preferred in all species incl. small animals. Also possible in painful areas and at the acupuncture points, often taking effect after a few minutes.
–Intramuscular: The onset is slower. Often preferred in farm animals.
–Intradermal: The suggested way when neural effects are required. Injected in nerve segments or over the affected area.
–Local and pericapsular infiltrations: Help to solve an important clinical problem: the treatment of continued pain associated with musculoskeletal lesions, requiring some substance with analgesic properties that may be used successively over long periods of time and has no undesirable side effects.
–Intralesional or perifocal: For example, on occasions before suturing one can empty the contents of the ampoule (injectable) into the surgical wound or make little papules in the edges of the incision.
–Progressive auto-sanguis therapy: Also known as the gradual autohemotherapy, an innovation contributed by Reckeweg to the autohematic method described by Haferkamp. Basically, one can define it as a biotherapy consisting of injecting the patient intramuscularly with his own blood combined with appropriate homeo pathic remedies (see specific literature). Generally practised in chronic diseases, dermatosis and autoallergic processes.
The lumen or perimeter of the injecting needle may be reduced, since the vehicle of the injectable homeopathic remedies is of low viscosity. This aspect associated with the character of the substance (not irritating) means that the injection is not painful.
Antihomotoxic medication must not be mixed in the same syringe with conventional medicines. Antihomotoxic medicines should be administered first.
Heel veterinary medications
•Very well tolerated. Excellent benefit-risk ratio
•No restrictions on age or length of treatment
•Treatment compatible with antibiotic therapy, antiparasite treatments, herbal medicine, oligotherapy...1)