Bryonia Cosmoplex Drops 30ml

Heel SKU: HL081
Bryonia Cosmoplex Drops 30ml-Urenus

Bryonia Cosmoplex Drops 30ml

Heel SKU: HL081
Regular price $30.20
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Indications: Peripheral disorders of the circulation. Contraindications: None known.
Side effects: None known.

Dosage: In acute disorders, 5 drops every 30-60 minutes, but not more than 6 times daily. Do not use for longer than one week without seeking medical advice. In chronical disorders, 5 drops 1-3 times daily.

Interactions with other medication: None known.

Composition: 100 g (105 ml) cont.: Aconitum D2, Lachesis D10, Vincetoxicum D6, Sulfur D8, Bryonia D2, Ipecacuanha D4, Pulsatilla D3, Baptisia D3 Eucalyptus D3, Phosphorus D5, Sanguinaria D1 1 g each; Hydrargyrum bichloratum D4 0.001 g. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol. Indications: For stimulating the bodyÕs defense mecha- nisms against influenza infections and colds. Contraindications: Because of the constituent Sanguinaria (bloodroot)) do not use during pregnancy and bre- astfeeding. In case of existing liver conditions or history thereof or simultaneous use of hepatotoxic substances use only after consultation with the physician.

Side effects: Hypersalivation may occur after administration, in which case the product should be discontinued
During the treatment with drugs containing bloodroot (Sanguinaria) alcaloids there have been individual reports of increased liver function enzymes (transaminases) and serum bilirubin elevations up to drug-induced jaundice (drug-related toxic hepatitis), which normalized or receded after discontinuation of the product. Interactions with other medication: Dosage: Adult dose: At the start of treatment take 10 drops in a little still water every 1/4 to 1/2 hour over a period of 3-4 hours (twice daily with a 3 hour gap). Subsequently, take 10 drops 3-4 times daily before ea- ting. Single doses for babies and small children: 3 drops; for children aged 2-6 years: 5 drops up to 4 times daily. From 6 years: adult dosage.

Liver function parameters should be monitored if used for more than 4 weeks.
Package sizes: Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml. (9492)