Neuralgia / Nerve Pain - Homeopathic Remedies for Neuralgia
Guna Remedies for Neuralgia
- GUNA-FLAM (10 drops every 15 minutes in the acute phase; continue with 10 drops 3 times a day for 30 days)
- GUNA-MATRIX (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA-LYMPHO (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- ANTI AGE STRESS (3 pellets 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
Guna Therapy
- Specific remedy: GUNA-NEURAL
according to severity and progress.
- Standard protocol according to meso-therapeutic technique using 1-2
ampoules per treatment: 2 treatments per week for the first 2 weeks, then 1 treatment a week until pain relief (average 8-10 sessions). For chronic pathologies: continue with 1 treatment a week for 1 month until pain relief, then 1 treatment a month.
Heel Remedies for Neuralgia
According to the location in each case, various remedies are indicated, e.g.
- Colocynthis-Hommaccord Drops for sciatic neuralgia but also generally for stabbing pains and paraesthesia.
- Spigelon Tablets or Spigelon Drops for neuralgia of the head, cervical syndrome but in general,
in addition.
- Ranunculus-Homaccord Drops for intercostal neuralgia and Herpes Zoster,.
- Cimicifuga-Homaccord Drops for intervertebral neuralgia.
- Dulcamara-Homaccord - for worsening of condition in wet weather, intercostal neuralgia (sensation of heavy pressure on the shoulders, neuralgia of the upper jaw at night).
- Bryaconeel often effective in alleviating pain (aconitine action).
- Rhododendroneel S (pains in the muscles, tendons and periosteum),
possibly with
- Cruroheel or Osteoheel S at intervals.
- Spascupreel Tablets - for stabbing and spasmodic pains of all kinds.
- Belladonna-Homaccord Drops - (headache, worse when lying down, throbbing pains).
- Belladonna-Homaccord Drops (orchialgia and funicular neuralgia).
Heel Ampoule Therapy
- Gelsemium-Homaccord, Colocynthis-Homaccord, Spigelon, Spascupreel, Ranunculus Homaccord, for preponderant paraesthesia
as well as for basic remedy always
- Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel, especially intradermal in the segmental region
- Mezereum-Homaccord for burning paraesthesia.
- Bryonia-Injeel S for intense stabbing pains, forcing the patient to hold the head with the hands.
- Salmonella typhi interposed.
- Rhododendron-Injeel for sensitivity to weather conditions,
possibly with
- the catalysts of the citric acid cycle (collective pack) combined or also with
- Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum as intermediate,
- Cerebrum compositum (remedy for affections of the neural functions)
and possibly
- Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxification of the liver)
- Placenta compositum (regulation of the circulation)
or also
- Discus compositum (for disorders of the intervertebral discs)
See also intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, migraine, torticollis, headache, polyneuritis, funicular neuralgia, etc.
Apply Externally
- Traumeel - For all types of pain